Suppositories Brand Profiling Study - Persuadable Research Corporation

You Put It Where?!?

Suppositories: Challenges and Barriers to Use


How receptive are moms to suppositories as a form of medication, given the risk of overdosing and the side effects associated with it? Does it have more appeal among special cases, where children would not ingest the entire dosage?

The challenge was to understand the awareness, usage and acceptance of suppositories among moms.


checkboxesWhile in most cases awareness drives usage, in this case usage drove awareness. Only those who used the brand were aware of it.

checkboxesBrand was perceived to be a niche product prohibiting its growth. This was evident as many moms admitted that there were situations when this product could have been used, but did not use it.

checkboxesFocus of current campaign was on attributes that were less important to consumers.


Our research identified product attributes that were most important to the consumers and recommended a focus on these attributes to widen the appeal of the brand and move it out of its current niche positioning.