[vc_row el_class=”featured-rows”][vc_column][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner][orane_features title=”Our Core Strengths” details=”Every company is really good at some things, but can’t be great at everything. The following survey types are the areas where we have the most experience & expertise. These are the reasons our clients keep coming back.”][orane_single_feature title=”Attitude, Awareness & Usage Studies (AA&U)” icon=”fa-cubes” link=”url:%2Four-core-strengths%2Fattitude-awareness-usage-studies%2F||”]AA&Us are comprehensive studies seeking insights into a particular business category, either products or services. By studying the attitudes, awareness and usage of brands within a competitive set, client brands are able to see where they stand in relation to their competitors and make strategic decisions to improve their position. [/orane_single_feature][orane_single_feature title=”Brand Profiling Studies” icon=”fa-apple” link=”url:%2Fbrand-profiling-studies%2F||”]There is almost always something special about a brand. The trick is understanding the consumer’s perspective on what makes your brand special or unique. These perceptions help define the position a brand holds in their mind. These perceptions can be changed slowly, with a clear strategy, good marketing and strong insights about where a brand has “permission” to go.[/orane_single_feature][orane_single_feature title=”Brand & Category Tracking Studies” icon=”fa-refresh” link=”url:%2Fbrand-category-tracking%2F||”]Data is important. Data, compiled over time, is critical. It’s one thing to know where your brand is at a specific moment in time, but having multiple data points over a period of months or years, helps illustrate the direction your brand is going, relative to your competitors. [/orane_single_feature][/orane_features][orane_features title=”” details=””][orane_single_feature title=”Product Concept Testing (Branded or Blinded)” icon=”fa-lightbulb-o” link=”url:%2Fconcept-testing%2F||”]It can cost hundreds of thousands, to millions, of dollars to bring a new product to marketplace. Marketing research can be a critical tool in new product development. Concept testing is a fundamental part of this process. [/orane_single_feature][orane_single_feature title=”Online Quantitative Surveys” icon=”fa-laptop” link=”url:%2Four-core-strengths%2Fonline-quantitative-surveys%2F||”]The internet has revolutionized the research world. Researchers now have the ability to talk to hundreds of people more quickly, more efficiently, and with greater engagement than was ever possible using the telephone or a paper survey.[/orane_single_feature][orane_single_feature title=”Name Testing” icon=”fa-smile-o” link=”url:http%3A%2F%2Fpersuadables.com%2Fname-testing%2F||”]A name test is a basically a concept test, but with a few unique requirements. In most cases, a company has a long list of name options/ideas. Qualitative research can be used as a starting point. Once you’ve narrowed down the list to a handful of legally viable options, quantitative research can show you the strengths/weaknesses of each name. [/orane_single_feature][/orane_features][orane_features title=”” details=””][orane_single_feature title=”Advertising Pre-testing (Creative Testing)” icon=”fa-film” link=”url:%2Fadvertising-pretesting-creative-testing%2F||”]Advertising pre-testing is a form of concept testing. Knowing the strengths & weaknesses of your creative execution before you put it in market can save you thousands, if not millions of dollars, in underperforming advertising. (Not to mention, saving your reputation!)[/orane_single_feature][orane_single_feature title=”Package Testing” icon=”fa-gift” link=”url:%2Four-core-strengths%2Fpackage-testing%2F||”]The way a brand presents itself on-shelf is the moment of truth. The variables at play in the consumer’s mind, in the 1-7 seconds they will consider your product, are endless. Package testing is critical in giving your product a fighting chance in this hyper-competitive environment.[/orane_single_feature][orane_single_feature title=”Identifying Category Need Gaps” icon=”fa-puzzle-piece” link=”url:http%3A%2F%2Fpersuadables.com%2Four-core-strengths%2Fidentifying-category-need-gaps%2F||”]Comparing brands on attributes (in an AAU study, for example) exposes “need gaps” in the marketplace: places where your ideal consumer has an expectation or desire, but where your brand is failing to meet that need or expectation. These comparisons can also expose areas where your competitors may be falling short. This information can help determine your next move.[/orane_single_feature][/orane_features][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row]