Where do natural medications stack up versus OTC medication on a mom’s radar? Are moms more inclined to buy natural medications for some ailments, and OTC for others? What are the underlying barriers and motivators? Where does convenience fit in?
Most moms, who are inclined to buy natural medications, understand the benefits of natural alternatives and worry about the long term impact of OTC medications. Paradoxically, every mom uses OTC medication to some extent!
Natural medications are surrounded by mystery. There is lack of information about ingredients, brands, etc. Word of Mouth is extremely powerful in this category.
Most moms tend to be light green moms, but are eager to graduate to dark green. If adequate information is provided, and myths around natural medications are addressed, this group can be persuaded to use natural medications more often.
Profiled short range and long range targets for the client.
Identified the products from the innovation pipeline that would have the most potential in the market place.
Provided insights on product claims that would resonate the most given the unconventional world of natural medications where moms seek the long term solution over convenience at times.